Tuesday, January 19, 2010


So insecure they depend on the exterior
To secure the interior
Afraid of shadows
In search for the loudest voice
To blend themselves and say We Are
Without identity, shackled in inferior complexity.

We are the world, he says; what we say obtains
But who decide he knows not
Nor reasons for the stand he takes
But down the line for him is okay
Between conscious and unconscious emotions
Cos' reasons to hide lies within
To cover the fear of standing alone
And risk the expose of natural stupidity.

It's not found in the group I keep
Neither in the level I operate
It is me.
Positions I take despite the craze
What I do in secret when no eye sees
Shape I took from the mould of life's experiences
My platform in discourse
Identity is what it takes to say I am.

......The man died in the man who stood silent in the face of tyranny. (W. Soyinka)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Casualties: by John Pepper Clark.

The casualties are not only those who are dead;
They are well out of it.
The casualties are not only those who are wounded,
Though they await burial by installment
The casualties are not only those who have lost
Person or property, hard as it is
To grope for a touch that some
May not know is not there.

The casualties are not only those led away by night;
The cell is a cruel place, sometimes a haven,
No where as absolute as the grave.
The casualties are not only those who started
A fire and now cannot put it out. Thousands
Are burning that had no say in the matter.
The casualties are not only those who escaping
The shattered shell become prisoners in
A fortress of falling walls.

The casualties are many, and a good number well
Outside the scene of ravage and wreck;
They are the emissaries of rift,
So smug in smoke-rooms they haunt abroad,
They are wandering minstrels who, beating on
The drum of human heart, draw the world
Into a dance with rites it does not know.

The drum overwhelm the guns…
Caught in the clash of counter claims and charges
When not in the niche others have left,
We fall.
All casualties of war,
Because we cannot hear other speak,
Because eyes have ceased to see the face from the crowd,
Because whether we know or
Do not know the extent of wrong on all sides,
We are characters now other than before
The war began, the stay- at- home unsettled
By taxes and rumor, the looter for office
And wares, fearful everyday the owners may return,
We are all casualties,
All sagging as are
The case celebrated for kwashiorkor,
The unforeseen camp-follower of not just our war.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Unveil this pretence

Unveil the shawl of pretence and let reality through
The patriots will turn out to be traitors
Heroes will be villains
Why applaud your worst saboteurs.

Asking for a miracle when the evidence is clear
Hoping that he stumbles even as he knows
Advancing barbarism in the name of masculinity
The beast from magog prides his heart in you.

Still they spin their "well intended" scheme
The hangman seeks acclaim from his victim
Why accept kindness that destroys your liberty
But as always, man is high on illusion.

He sleeps no more who murders sleep
He invites lizards who brings ant-infested faggots home
He sleeps standing up who swallows a long pestle
Bitter truth, hard to acknowledge even harder to ignore.

Your pleines intently ply a slippery route
And wingerter works in league with hooded faces
Sins of a few, a reproach to all but,
Nature's christs abound, even you could be one.

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Great Deception: My Case.

Still on my quest for the truth on the seven year psychological and physical abuse I have been subjected to, I have decided to make events surrounding my case public on this blog. Letters I wrote to both my Lawyer and the Judge during and after the trial, including the Doctor's report that cancelled the trials. I am also publishing a copy of the letter I wrote to the United Nations Human Rights Council. Moreover, I written to some international organisation that promote and uphold human dignity.

My case is simple. Why am I being profiled for public entertainment? Why am I being subjected to such abuse as reserved to inanimate objects? What is or are my crimes?

My letters to my Lawyer and the Judge could be seen at:

The Doctor's report is in German language nonetheless it is at:

The Judge's decision on the case is at:

My letter to the U.N. Human Rights Council is also at:

I leave the reader to draw his or her own conclusions.

....."The man died in the man who stood silent in the face of tyranny" (W. Soyinka)